Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Has ESPN Radio officially changed its name to the Brett Favruh Network?

Jesus H Christ, driving to work this morning, it's Howard Stern's day off so I swallow hard and turn it over to ESPN Radio and the Mike and Mike Tool Show. Golic's off, but Greenberg is all things Favre. %26quot;How's the coffee, Mike?%26quot; %26quot;Pretty good, I think Brett Favruh would like it.%26quot; %26quot;Take a good dump this morning Greenie?%26quot; %26quot;Yep, and I bet Brett Favruh did too.%26quot;

Nauseating.Has ESPN Radio officially changed its name to the Brett Favruh Network?
It 's still not as bad as the constant, non-stop coverage of Joe Torre leaving the Yankees. My God, you'd have thought the President had died. I'm just glad Favre didn't play in New York or Boston. If he had, we'd be listening to it for a month solid.Has ESPN Radio officially changed its name to the Brett Favruh Network?
well, if so then they had to change it from the official Patriots Network that it was a few months ago.

ESPN are the ultimate bandwagon jumpers.Has ESPN Radio officially changed its name to the Brett Favruh Network?
yep bandwagoners for sure.Has ESPN Radio officially changed its name to the Brett Favruh Network?
Dude, relax. You have arguably one of the greatest quarterbacks to EVER play the game who just retired after a 17 season career. Personally I think it's refreshing to hear about somebody else BESIDES Tom Brady and Payton Manning for 1 week out of the year.Has ESPN Radio officially changed its name to the Brett Favruh Network?
These questions are getting nauseating. It's the first week of March, possibly the deadest point of the year on the sports calendar. When one of the top 10, maybe top 5, QBs of all-time retires, you're going to hear about it. If you don't like it, switch you Sirius station over to Elevator Muzak, maybe that will calm your over-excited *** down.Has ESPN Radio officially changed its name to the Brett Favruh Network?
Im a huge Bret Favre fan but I agree! ESPN has made WAY too much out of Bret's retirement. Yeah for a day I can see them talking about it but even I'm saying ENOUGH!! He deserved the recognition but I dont even think Montana, Marino, Moon, or even Aikman got this much attention when they called it quits.Has ESPN Radio officially changed its name to the Brett Favruh Network?
He just retired officially yesterday, so they are not allowed to talk about him for another day or 2. He is one of the best qbs that every played.

You are missing the point. I guess you want it to go back to 2 weeks talking about some idiot getting arrested or leaving the scene of an accident like Briggs and having no consequences after filing a false report that it was stolen. How about weeks on Roger Clemens comings and goings or Barry Bonds which has been going on for years.

Let's focus for once on something that is good.Has ESPN Radio officially changed its name to the Brett Favruh Network?
No it shouldn't but give the man his due!

Favre is deserving of any press that he receives.

However, if they're still talking about it in September, then complain about it.

I bet you didn't complain when the Patriots crap dominated the airwaves!