Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to recover/find original name of computer before renaming it?

Here's the deal:

A computer has had its name changed which caused the error %26quot;Your SQL database may be corrupted or has been tampered with (package id error),%26quot; and now, I can't remember for the life of me what it was.

Also, I thought about a system restore but the program gives me the error %26quot;System Restore is unable to protect your computer. Please restart, and try again.%26quot; However, I restart but same message!

So, I'm pretty much screwed! I run WIN-PAK 2.0 for a local database for door codes to allow people in and out, but I have no idea how to retrieve what the name mightve been. Any help would be much appreciated as far as possibly finding what it might've been. Thanks in advance.

NOTE: I have spoken with others about this problem, and they said if I had maybe ran a network setup wizard which asks for a name, group name it would've changed it (which would be this case). Thus, I'm pretty sure it's just down to finding the name. Thanks~How to recover/find original name of computer before renaming it?
Go to there you can see in detail Buddy! :o)