Sunday, November 21, 2010

How can I find my Host and Domain name when setting up a Linksys Wireless G Router?

I am trying to set up a secure how network for 2 laptops. I have the SSID changed and the network name is broadcast, but how do I secure this? I think I need to change the settings since I can just browse to the network and connect.

If this helps, I have Brighthouse Cable for broadband access in the Central Florida area.How can I find my Host and Domain name when setting up a Linksys Wireless G Router?
host is another word to describe the local computer and domain you don't need unless you are connecting to a domain controller.

you are supposed to be able to browse your own network with out using passwords. you can change these settings if you prefer so that any time you want to connect from computer A to B you have to

supply a user name and password.How can I find my Host and Domain name when setting up a Linksys Wireless G Router?
To secure your wireless network you want to go into the config of the router via your browser and enable WEP or WAP security, which ever you router and client cards support, and pick a security code. Then you will have to goto each client (computer) and set the security code you used in the router settings so they can connect to the router. Any computer that tries to connect to your router without the correct code will not be able to.